
Two Party System

Democrat’s and Republicans and the Big Media systems are I believe designed and operated to keep you emotionally engaged and feeling despair but enough puppy dog type stories in closing to keep you hooked. Then there are the other candidates(not a democrat or republican) that most people will tell you “Don’t throw away your vote”. But have you ever wondered if you have been conditioned by external factors to think the way you do? or are these thoughts something you consciously came to a conclusion too?

Democrat – is greek for people and force or power. Originally back when Andrew Jackson won his second presidential election, in 1828, the Democratic party(What is what is was know for soon after) was formed. Jackson was known for brining Wisconsin in as a Territory, Michigan becoming a state, Texas independence being recognized, introduced the Spoils System, opposed the Nullification of South Carolina, and vetoed the renewal of the US Bank. Looking at those acts as president, basing things on those actions alone, you would say the Democrat party is a paranoid angry power hungry organization where you fire everyone who does not agree with you. And we also have Andrew Jackson to thank for firing everyone in an administration on a president change and making the entire environment about yes people rather than people service whoever the president is and the country.

Republican – or the Grand Old Party (GOP) support having representatives of the people (republic) and not a monarchy.

Both Democrat and Republican parties are break offs of the Democratic-Republican party. Thats right, they both came form the same party and stuck together because a common shared interest. They both opposed the federalist party.

Electoral College

summarizing the electoral college, you need at least 270 electoral votes to become president of the US. 270 is the majority. If no one gets 270 then the house will vote in the President. Since the house will always be either democratic controlled or republican’s controlled, and tie breaker going to the speaker (either a Dem or Rep), you will never get a 3 party elected, even if there is tie or non one gets 270.

How to Introduce a third party?

Since you will never get rid of the electoral vote as a first step, you have to take a different approach. Traditionally it was impossible to have a third party candidate because the electoral college is a winner take all mentality making the math impossible for someone to win as a non DR(democrat/republican) candidate. But the one thing that is different today is social media and the strength it can carry bypassing the big media. If Ross Perot ran today he would have been elected. Providing his family was not murdered first(It was a real threat and why he dropped out). If the right group of social influencers united for a third party candidate, that strength would tip the table and put the fear of God into DR where both would fear one of they would Not be one of the two parties. That would be the only way the electoral college would be resolved and actual vote representation would happen. History has show that with the two party system, the electoral college very closely but not always mirrors the popular vote, but with more than two major parties, the electoral process falls apart and no longer represents the vote. But the most important part is that you currently need 270 electoral votes to become president, or the house of representatives end up electing the president. Since the house is normally around 55% one party 45% another party or somewhere in between, they will never elect a third party. So even though a third party may someday outshine the other two parties, and win the majority of electoral votes, they will never get elected by the house. Thus why the electoral vote process will never support more than two candidates.



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