Admin Tools Technology

Install Duf on Mac and Linux

Install on Linux

1) Download Files
curl -s | grep browser_download_url | grep linux_x86_64.tar.gz | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -i -

2) Extract Files
tar xvf duf_*_linux_x86_64.tar.gz

3) Make files executable
chmod a+x duf

4) Move files to executable directory
sudo mv duf /usr/local/bin

5) Run


1) Run in terminal
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
2) Run

Other Awesome Linux Tools


Two Party System

Democrat’s and Republicans and the Big Media systems are I believe designed and operated to keep you emotionally engaged and feeling despair but enough puppy dog type stories in closing to keep you hooked. Then there are the other candidates(not a democrat or republican) that most people will tell you “Don’t throw away your vote”. But have you ever wondered if you have been conditioned by external factors to think the way you do? or are these thoughts something you consciously came to a conclusion too?

Democrat – is greek for people and force or power. Originally back when Andrew Jackson won his second presidential election, in 1828, the Democratic party(What is what is was know for soon after) was formed. Jackson was known for brining Wisconsin in as a Territory, Michigan becoming a state, Texas independence being recognized, introduced the Spoils System, opposed the Nullification of South Carolina, and vetoed the renewal of the US Bank. Looking at those acts as president, basing things on those actions alone, you would say the Democrat party is a paranoid angry power hungry organization where you fire everyone who does not agree with you. And we also have Andrew Jackson to thank for firing everyone in an administration on a president change and making the entire environment about yes people rather than people service whoever the president is and the country.

Republican – or the Grand Old Party (GOP) support having representatives of the people (republic) and not a monarchy.

Both Democrat and Republican parties are break offs of the Democratic-Republican party. Thats right, they both came form the same party and stuck together because a common shared interest. They both opposed the federalist party.

Electoral College

summarizing the electoral college, you need at least 270 electoral votes to become president of the US. 270 is the majority. If no one gets 270 then the house will vote in the President. Since the house will always be either democratic controlled or republican’s controlled, and tie breaker going to the speaker (either a Dem or Rep), you will never get a 3 party elected, even if there is tie or non one gets 270.

How to Introduce a third party?

Since you will never get rid of the electoral vote as a first step, you have to take a different approach. Traditionally it was impossible to have a third party candidate because the electoral college is a winner take all mentality making the math impossible for someone to win as a non DR(democrat/republican) candidate. But the one thing that is different today is social media and the strength it can carry bypassing the big media. If Ross Perot ran today he would have been elected. Providing his family was not murdered first(It was a real threat and why he dropped out). If the right group of social influencers united for a third party candidate, that strength would tip the table and put the fear of God into DR where both would fear one of they would Not be one of the two parties. That would be the only way the electoral college would be resolved and actual vote representation would happen. History has show that with the two party system, the electoral college very closely but not always mirrors the popular vote, but with more than two major parties, the electoral process falls apart and no longer represents the vote. But the most important part is that you currently need 270 electoral votes to become president, or the house of representatives end up electing the president. Since the house is normally around 55% one party 45% another party or somewhere in between, they will never elect a third party. So even though a third party may someday outshine the other two parties, and win the majority of electoral votes, they will never get elected by the house. Thus why the electoral vote process will never support more than two candidates.


SQL Technology Veeam

Shrink Veeam One DATABASE

Most space in Veeam should be in either one of two different tables. Based on where the space is located will dictate which method is used.

Table Explanation

  • perfsamplelow – is more than 1 month out history, and can use a script to truncate
  • perfsampleMed – Is current history set by Gui. Don’t use script oil this but rather thank gui retention rules.



Shrink Veeam One DB Low Table

SQL Manager is installed on VEEAMONE. Use that to run scripts.

SET @dt = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2020-01-25 00:00:00.001' ,120)
WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [monitor].[perfsamplelow] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [timestamp] < @dt)
    DELETE TOP (50000) FROM [monitor].[perfsamplelow] WHERE [timestamp] < @dt
DBCC shrinkfile (N'VeeamOne', 1)​

Analyze table size SQL

select top 10 schema_name(tab.schema_id) + '.' + as [table], 
    cast(sum(spc.used_pages * 8)/1024.00 as numeric(36, 2)) as used_mb,
    cast(sum(spc.total_pages * 8)/1024.00 as numeric(36, 2)) as allocated_mb
from sys.tables tab
join sys.indexes ind 
     on tab.object_id = ind.object_id
join sys.partitions part 
     on ind.object_id = part.object_id and ind.index_id = part.index_id
join sys.allocation_units spc
     on part.partition_id = spc.container_id
group by schema_name(tab.schema_id) + '.' +
order by sum(spc.used_pages) desc;

For more information see this post

The retention policy for VEEAM ONE has been changed to hopefully shrink the VEEAM ONE SQL database.


  1. Run the command C:\Program Files\Common Files\Veeam\Veeam ONE Settings\VeeamOneSettings.exe2.       Change the Retention Settings to a lower default setting of 12 and 6 months
  2. Change Retention Policy Settings. You can go as low as 1 month.

3.  We will need to wait to see if the VEEAM ONE SQL database shrinks at all after the changes have been made.

If the database does NOT shrink after about 30 minutes, then you neeed to go into SQL manager, connect to the veeam database as the same windows user that runs veeam, and run the following command

DBCC shrinkfile (N'VeeamOne', 1)

This will take up to 30 minutes. Sometimes 2 minutes sometimes 30 minutes sometimes in between. Depends on size of database, speed of computer that is processing the schrink.

Energy Technology

Green Hydrogen

I have had this dream of an all-in-one desalinization/hydrogen generation/storage/electrical generator that I have working out for years. The idea came to me back when I was a IT system engineer, and had a customer named DCH in Middleton, WI in the US which had Hydrogen products. One of their products was a device the size of a Porta Potty that powered remote houses in remote Alaska for about 6 months, then needed to be recharged for another six months.

I got to thinking, what if there was a way we didnt have to recharge the Fuel Cell pod every six months with compressed hydrogen, but rather could generate the hydrogen on demand using green energy like wind and solar.

I new many people have made on demand hydrogen production systems, the problem was always storage, and it took carbon energy and fresh water to make the hydrogen. If I solved the making the hydrogen with green energy and a way to get fresh water without using existing fresh water, that leaves storing it. With a fresh water shortage issue for certain places on this planet, and rising sea levels, what if we could convert sea water to fresh water, and use that in the electrolysis process. See FastCompany website article

So in my head I could see the Porta Potty sized device with a tank next to it. A wind turbine above and solar panels above the tank and fuel cell. This setup is setting on a sandy beach about 150 yards from the ocean, and a small pipe running into the ocean where there is a gated inlet to protect sea life. All along this beach are homes, and business. Each with their own setup. The Setup, I call it Genesis, also has an outlet filling up inland ponds with fresh water from desalinized ocean water.

The concept seems like it should work, just thousands of issues to work through. A way to reduce carbon, increase fresh water, provide green electricity, drinking water, help convert some parts of some deserts back to vegetation rich crop producing habitable land.

The goal is the Genesis would generate about 1.2 KW per hour enough to run most homes. The desalination would produce about 3,500 liters an hour; small about used for hydrogen creation, the rest would go into either drinking water reservoirs, if the reservoir is full, the left over goes to a retention pond that would be used for irrigation.

The Genisis would be an electrolyzer with a low compression hydrogen storage tank using metal hydride storage. An electronic transfer switch and brain operating that switch would control switch between on demand wind, or solar or hydrogen. The switch would monitor the outputs making the best decision based on the abundance of resources. Windy days, we may be sending

Hydrogen Storage

Using carbon nanotubes, physisorbed hydrogen, using heat to release the hydrogen, and cold to store the hydrogen. This will get you thinking all starwars like. Imagine being in your transport, and that ship is running hot, which is good, you can control and use the hydrogen, but you need to make sure the tank itself stays cool or the whole ship blows. you only warm up the outlet to extract and burn the hydrogen in your engines. When you land on the planet and need to fuel up, you need to wait for the inlet to cool so it absorbs the hydrogen from the filler.

People right now use traditional batteries to store solar. You could also use it to store hydrogen power. Meaning clean the water, perform electrolysis using the hydrogen right away storing the electricity and the pure water bi-product. Article focuses on Utilities using Battery Storage, One of our goals is to remove the entire need for a grid, but some of the specs on battery usage is helpful.

Liquefied Hydrogen

Required: to be -253C,
Tanks must be insulated.
Currently used with: Space travel

Cold- and cryo-compressed hydrogen

  • Requirements: cooled -253C plus compression
  • Tanks: insulated and very strong/heavy
  • Currently in Use: for moving hydrogen
  • Downsides: takes 9%-12% of final energy to store it

Materials Based H2 Storage

  • Types: Hydride storage, liquid hydrogen, surface storage
  • Tanks: Vary depending on type used
  • Currently in User: experimental only
  • Downsides: complex and expensive

Living off the Grid in 2006 – Shows even though the energy is free, the equipment costs more than utility power, and when there is no wind, and no sun, and no backup, a generator has a larger carbon foot print than grid power. At least if you dont have a hydrogen storage tank as your backup.

Another very interesting out of box idea is to still use ocean water, and natural resources to store energy, but instead of hydrogen, use gravity. The idea is the wind turbine pumps ocean water up the shore to a large storage tank. The storage thank would be connected to a generator. At any point the valve could open when wind and or solar is done for the day. hydro electric would happen at that point. The Wind and Solar would also run desalination on that pumped up water.

Another out of box idea, hold on, is to use bricks like the red bricks that. you find on a house or fireplace to store energy. This is a very interesting read.

Another idea that has happened is the using gym equipment converting that motion into energy. Check out his video, then think of what a large Gym could produce.

So let me know what you think. Do you see a green future where we no longer have a grid? can efficiency one day be better with no Grid? or do you think it will just never happen and that Henry Fords assembly line principal will make living on a grid the only way we will ever operate on this planet.


US Sells California to Balance Debt

Californian is not being sold, but it might be one day. The US Debit is at 27 Trillion dollars as of Nov 2 2020. If you sold seven FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) companies and took 100% of those 7 FANG companies sales, you could not pay off the US Debt. Another way to look at US Debt, if you took every cent from the annual US tax revenue for 7 years (yes the Market Cap value of FANG is the same right now as the total US tax revenue) and applied that to the national Debt, you still could not get US out of debt.  

What US citizen would the US citizen would be allowed to financially operate like the US Government? Answer is no one. We would eventually be put in jail after everything has been sized from us and we still could not pay our debt, or we would claim bankruptcy.

FANG Market Cap 3.581 Trillion

US Debt over 27 Trillion

FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google)

If the US were to claim bankruptcy, the world economy would unfortunately fail. So the pickle, since the US with a two party system will never stop increasing spending, and we cannot be taxed more than 100%; only logical conclusion is we will eventually be taxed 100% or the US will claim bankruptcy. I know this is dramatic but math never lies. The US will either claim bankruptcy because taxing US citizens 100% cannot happen or thinking out of the box, and what is more realistic is when the US get desperate and things really start to crumble, the US will start selling states off.  What States do you think will be sold off by the US? Alaska maybe being close to China in between Russia and the US(China would buy it) or California (China would buy that too)?

Oh wait besides the national debt, there is also unfunded liabilities. This is the amount of money that is on the books to be paid to existing future bills. Think of it like you bought a cell phone on a two year plan. you owe two years. Your budget has this months charges, but you don’t have the other 23 moths, those are in unfunded liabilities. So the US has 155 trillion in unfunded liabilities. WTF for reals!! Yep true. So imagine if your unfunded liabilities was 45 times larger than your income for a year, and on top of that you spend more than you make every year, I know double WTF. And most politicians believe we should increase spending and taxes. If it were our house hold budget, we would decrease spending and increase income, not the US government, they play by their own rules sucker.

OK, so increase taxes. Lets say that we increase taxes to oh say 100% of everyones income. Yeah, no take home pay, just taxes. stay with me here. 2020 the personal income in the us was around 20 trillion. So you (everyone) would have to take zero thats $0 dollars home from your paycheck for more than a year, about a year and a half, then we could pay off the US Debt. OR another idea, we could liquidate everything the US owns (Assets) and then we could pay off the debt with some money to spare. But that 1 trillion to spare, we would eat up in about a half of year easily That is how much we over spend every single year. At least that. Remember none of that is taking into consideration unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, Veterans and a few other expenses).

But here is the absolute very best part of them all. You will love this swindle bait in switch character building exercise. Oh this is good. So who owns the debt? Well as you would think some is owned by Foreign governments, yep they own stock in the US (thats what it is), also Pension plans own some US debt.

OK US Pensions really? isn’t that unfunded liabilities? Also Monetary Authorities (Federal Reserve), Individuals, State/local governments , Banks, Insurance Companies. Basically Other countries own some debt, you and me if we purchased some US Stock, and a large amount of US debt is owned by the US debt. Kinda like using a credit card to pay off another credit card. Nicely done Sam.

Deficit – Where is this going?

As you can see from the chart below, Medicare and Social Security take the majority of tax revenue. The 4th biggest spend “Income Security” is one I had to look up; is general retirement and disability insurance, federal employee retirement and disability, unemployment compensation, housing assistance, nutrition assistance; and other income security like foster care, supplemental security income and earned income and child tax credits.

Data in charts are from Datalab

Overview of revenue and spending

Federal Income

Federal Income has not changed much through time. Income tax has gone done about the same amount that social security tax has gone up. Corporate Taxes has gone down since 2016 by a third, which may seem like a lot. But keep this in mind. 1) Income Taxes and Social Security/Medicare taxes come out of your paycheck. Companies pay about the same amount in you do also as income and social security taxes, so half of what you see in the federal revenue charts are paid by corporations. The category called Corporate taxes are a very small amount of the taxes corporations pay. And that dip in “corporate taxes” being paid is about less than 1% of the taxes already pay as income, social security, medicare taxes.

US income compared to other countries

Other Countries Spending in Comparison

As you see form a revenue standpoint, the us takes in much more per person than China. Compared to India, India pretty much doesn’t tax their people.


Federal Spending

Spending categories in the chart below for the biggest categories I will place below the chart. Look over the chart, then read over the categories.

Spending Category

IMHO I thing the spending reporting should not batch together everything they do group together in the category “Income Security”. Here is what the chart should look like. Charts should be used to provide a picture of values, helping you make decisions and start making assumptions. To me grouping everything in a category called Income Security is not a good choice.

Same data as a doughnut chart

Below is the actual chart. Again data is from DataLab

Social Security$1.10
National Defense$0.73
Commerce and Housing$0.57
Unemployment Compensation$0.48
Other Income Security$0.46
Interest from Debt$0.34
Veterens Benifits$0.22
General Goverment$0.18
Federal Employee Retirement and Disability$0.15
Food and Nutrition Assistance$0.12
Housing Assistance$0.05
Regional Development$0.05
Retirement and Disability Insurance$0.00

What is the difference between the public debt and the deficit?

The deficit is the difference between the money Government takes in, called receipts, and what the Government spends, called outlays, each year. Receipts include the money the Government takes in from income, excise and social insurance taxes as well as fees and other income. Outlays include all Federal spending including social security and Medicare benefits along with all other spending ranging from medical research to interest payments on the debt. When there is a deficit, Treasury must borrow the money needed for the government to pay its bills.

Covid Effect

You will noticed that 2020 has been a crushing blow to the already dismal outlook on US Debt. The chart below shows (in brown) the massive onslaught of new national debt. The one thing that I will be curious to watch is the future audits, the receipts I believe are severely over stated. There is no way we took in massive amounts of new Income Tax and Social Security charged on your paycheck when covid broke out. I believe when these audits occur, and numbers are correct, our national debt will take another massive debt making the total of US Assets less than the total US Debt. This is whats called F*(Ck3D.


Paying Off the Debt

OK, in reality selling California or Alaska or another state to pay off the debt, sure would work shy of any revolt not to mention the all the other civil catastrophic issues. I think it would be in our best interest to explore some other options.

Fiscal Responsibility

I know this is NOT popular by any means with politicians on any side of the aisle, but I see it as the only option short of selling a state or going Bankrupt. This is spending within our Means and adding debt payments that would actually pay off the debt in 100 years or less as part of our expenses. I have a spreadsheet if you are interested in the math. The math i modeled below would include increasing taxes (using 2020 numbers) and reducing spending. I know, I know it is what you and I do, but for our politicians who lie cheat, steal, give them selfs raises, great pensions, forever healthcare better than what we all have, this is a very foreign concept.

I based it off rounding our 27.### trillion debt to 28T. Use the 2019 average expense of all that debt, perform compounding interest using the years that we are modeling, add that debt payment to the revenue and what is left is what we can use for social security, pensions, military and all the other stuff we are blowing money on at a rate that does not come anywhere near as close as any other country that seems to function pretty well compared to our so called self proclaimed “Greatest Country on Earth”. Side note: the rest of the planet laughs at us when we proclaim ourselves that. I know we don’t have the market on corrupt politicians, but we definitely have the market share. USA, USA!.

Rant done, in all seriousness, if you look at the amount left over to spend on social services, and what we spend now, you can see how painful this will be to the US. In reality, this thing will snowball light is was covered in lighter fluid, started on fire and thrown at our face. Hot, Cold and Painful.

When you decrease the amount of money people and business have to spend on stuff, you decrease sales taxes and GDP. This will reduce the number of jobs and increase the weight on social services, or if we stick to our guns and do not pay for things we do not have money for, create mass poverty and non humanitarian conditions. Especially because we live in a society where humans watch other humans on decisive big media news stations that emotionally charge you at the same time desensitize you to the ruble of seeing a catastrophe and saying “Ow thats so sad, let’s get pizza”. Instead of in the 18th and 19th century when you would help people in need. I know there are people who do help, but that is a very small percentage.

Will the US ever Get out of Debt?

Once facts are analyzed, the truth is shown. The US will never get out of debt, will eventually default, and may have to do something very drastic to become financially in check. But that will not happen until the American public first gets educated on what debt will do to the US, and then demand their representatives to care more about protecting their future than giving in to donors interested for the sake of their job security. If “public servant” feels they will not be re elected because they cut spending in their state to help save the country, and they still do it, give them a medal, maybe a memorial. But right now there are no medals, politicians turn on politicians even within the same clan. Getting elected is more important than doing what is right for most representatives. One side of the mouth they say they want to Unit the Divided States of America, and in the other side of their mouth they poke prod and stir peoples emotions playin the average Divided States of Americans citizens as a pawn, and treat their bishops, queens and kings as royalty. This is not a game, and until people remove politics from public service, we will never get out of debt, will default.

What does Default Look Like

To know what US Default on Debt looks like you need to run through a model of default. Keep in mind that it is not a thing where the US will not pay back everyone, but it could be a very small default. The danger is there is no such thing as a small default. Once confidence erodes, the debut will snowball.

BBC did a great piece on what it would looked like if the US defaulted. check it out.


  • US Personal Income,U.S.%20dollars%20at%20the%20time
  • US Debt Clock
  • 18 facts on the US National Debt that are almost too hard to believe
  • Who owns the National Debt
  • US Debt owners
  • US Debt data
  • Treasury Debt owners in their own words
  • Good chart for seeing Social Security receipts since 1940 to 2017,the%201983%20Social%20Security%20reforms.