Admin Tools Powershell Remote Access Technology

Killing Processes in Windows Remotely

Sometimes I have a workstation that is not responsive, and I have to find a way remotely to find the issue, kill a process and sometimes reboot the windows computer.

  • Open a remote command prompt to the windows computer
  • Run the command tasklist | more
  • find the process PID id. I like to look for processes that are taking the largest amount of memory, or most open sessions
  • Run the command taskkill /F /PID 5411
  • Note 5411 was just a PID number that was in the task list. the PID (Process Identifier) will be different for you for each process.
  • If the computer still does not respond, sometimes you have to force a reboot. Run: shutdown /r /f r is for restart and f is for force

To open a remote command to a windows computer get online and do some searching, many ways to do that with windows. PSExec and Powershell are common ways to do this.

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